Konica Minolta
Desktop & Portable Spectrophotometers
It is a versatile benchtop spectrophotometer designed to meet the color measurement needs of R&D and production users. The machine provides precise color data on solid and liquid samples of all varieties; it can even measure turbidity.
C-tex Colour control system monitors the color along the length of the fabric as well as controls the color from 3 points along its width. It can be used in quality control machines or any continuous process machine.
We aim to provide color consistency with color fastening and mathematical calculation methods for various fiber types, textile structures and coloring techniques.
Color Measurement Systems
ColorMission Plus
ColorMission, kalite kontrol, reçete hesaplama ve arşivleme yazılımıdır. Reçete alma ve formülasyon yazılımı olup, otomatik Reçete hesaplama özelliği, laboratuvar için düzeltme reçetesi hesaplama özelliği, İşletme için ilave / tamir reçetesi hesaplama özelliği, el ile reçete düzenleme ekranı, “Smart Recipe” özelliği, sınırsız Arşivleme, arşivden renk yada reçete taraması yapabilme, el ile ile arşive reçete kaydı yapabilme özelliği gibi bir çok özellik mevcuttur.
Color Mission Basic
ColorMission Basic is quality control and archiving software. It has features such as unlimited archiving, scanning for color or recipe from the archive, recording the recipe manually to the archive, and scanning DE for the newly entered color on all colors in the archive.
Textile printing Pigment recipe calculation, archiving and quality control software, opening and monitoring studies for all pigments / dyestuffs, calculation of recipes for all colors in the color chart / pantone, quality controls for all recipes created, archiving measured colors by filing separately, It is our program that produces solutions in many areas such as customer-specific software.